Let’s face the facts. No one really wants to take on all of the planning for a group of friends over one of the busiest times of the year. You’re worried about University final exams, meeting work deadlines before the holidays, or where you’re going to fit in all that Christmas shopping that you still have to do for your boyfriend or girlfriend, their immediate family, and their extended family. It’s an insane time of year.
Now, think about tacking on the extra responsibility of booking a bunch of hotel rooms last minute, trying to find the best deals, and coordinating who's going to draw the short straw on driving this year. It’s a pain. And we get it!
The reality of it all is that trying to book anything over the holidays - especially New Years - is next to impossible unless you start in September. Chances are you’ll find a hotel room here or there, but you’re going to get hit hard on holiday up-charges. And then, next thing you know, you’re back in Banff on December 31st for the 16th time in a row, waiting in line at the Dancing Sasquatch for the past hour, trying to figure out if it’s better to max out your credit card on the cover charge or just call it a night because the pizza place down the street is still open and pizza is one of the few things that still makes you happy.
That’s where we come in. We’ve already done all the grunt work - we’ve got the hotel rooms booked for you and your friends. We’ve secured the best lift ticket deals. We drew the short straw on driving, willingly, so you don’t have to. Plus, with all the new pals you’re going to make, chances are you’ll discover something that makes you as happy as pizza does (bold statement, I know). We are the warriors of last minute New Year's plans, and you can be too.
So why not choose the hassle free option this year, and see what happens? Try taking the lazy route and joining us on our legendary New Year’s adventures?
Seems like a no brainer to me.